Process-Based Security
If your device has an IP Address it needs Process-Based Security Read More...

SAGE First Inc. provides secure Internet solutions by implementing Process_Based Security. Our Process-Based Security offers a more robust and efficient method of operating system security by specifically preventing the execution of arbitrary code.
Process-Based Security is designed around the application not the user. Process-Based Security is a new alternative for protecting the integrity of your valuable data at rest.
In addition to offering world-class security products, SAGE also offers a strong development team with professional experience. At SAGE First, we stand behind our development services. Our project management and development methodologies are time tested and proven. Our development team is experienced, capable, and motivated to ensure your satisfaction. We guarantee success for your organization that ensures your software development projects are completed on time and on budget.
Learn more about SAGE First's Processed-Based Secuirty Services
Let the crusade for more reliable internet security begin!
We need YOU, the Android User, to join our world-wide crusade for eliminating cyber-threats & invasions by helping us bring the SAGESecured Operating System project to a reality that will provide the world with the most robust security protocol invented to date by allowing more definative control over what does and does not run on any Android device, permanently eliminating the means and methods that can infect the device with malicious software, PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE. Beginning with Android, SAGESecured serves as a launching pad to bring a new gold standard security protocol to ALL operating systems which are ill-served with conventional best practices.
Hack-Proof Web Server designed to provide affordable, bulletproof protection. More...